Jess Whelan, Senior Designer

What do you enjoy most about what you do for a job?

Probably the trust and freedom that I’m lucky enough to work with. I also enjoy being able to witness the full design process, from research to design and the final product development.

How did you start your journey?

My journey started studying print design at university, I spent my time learning the Adobe software- this lead to developing my skills into graphic design within fashion at 304 Clothing.

What does a standard day look like for you?

My days are split managing my time between researching and designing for Lid’s numerous businesses. This consists of designing clothing for 304, new merchandise ideas for Lid Clo, and pushing brand identities for companies who get in touch with Lid.thegroup and BR&.

What's on the horizon for you in the next 6 months? What are you looking forward to?

I’m looking forward to seeing how the new in-house design and production at Lid project is going to open doors for new business opportunities. I am currently working on mew clothing ideas for Tayroc, and its proving to be very exciting!