Georgia Hill, Senior Product and Garment technologist

What do you enjoy most about what you do for a job?

I enjoy the creative madness that the role brings, giving so many creative opportunities to go wild with design and product.

How did you start your journey?

I began with studying a Textile & fashion degree and that lead me to working with 304 Clothing and I’m ready to see it blossom.

What does a standard day look like for you?

First i give Ronnie a massive morning cuddle, Ronnie is our young puppy member. Then my day is full of laughter and smiles on top of many meetings and calls across the team.

What's on the horizon for you in the next 6 months? What are you looking forward to?

Putting my strengths to the forefront, being to best person I can be for the team, to be a great team member/ friend. Strive to be great.